How Does Exercise Impact Mental Health

exercise and mental health, physical therapy and exercise

If you are someone who exercises on the regular, you are probably very familiar with the “happy hormones” you feel following a heavy workout! You just got done with a run or intense lifting session and all of the sudden your mood is lighter, you have a positive outlook on the day, and somehow the stress seems to be melting away.

So what causes this?? Why does exercise seem to elevate mood, and what else can it do for us?? Read along for some of the incredible benefits of exercise on our mental health.

If you think you want to experience the incredible benefits of an injury-free exercise program, schedule a complimentary screen with one of our qualified physical therapists to learn how Physical Therapy can help you!

picture of brain lifting weights, mental health and exercise

There are countless physical benefits to exercise, such as reduced cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, and a whole host of other illnesses. What about the effects on our mental health??

Exercise has been proven to reduce the burden of mental health issues by as high as 43%. Those who exercised for an average of 45 minutes/day for 3-5 days per week had 43% fewer days of poor mental health than those who did not exercise (measured monthly).

This is amazing!! But why is it that this happens? Although it is still being explored and researched in detail, we do know that exercise also has incredible effects on the BRAIN. Let’s dive into some of these effects!

Reducing Inflammation

There are 2 types of inflammation in the body.

  • Acute: think of when you sprain your ankle and it blows up like a balloon. The reason it swells up like that is because your body is trying to bring healing to the area. Typically it will get better and go away in a few weeks.

  • Chronic: chronic inflammation is not a normal process to help heal our body. When inflammation sticks around, it can eventually cause damage to organs, one of those being the BRAIN.

Exercise has an incredible ability to REDUCE CHRONIC INFLAMMATION in the body.

Exercise is actually a stressor to the body. Initially, the body responds by releasing inflammatory markers. Over time, when you exercise regularly, the body releases ANTI-INFLAMMATORY markers which have the ability to heal and even in some cases prevent mental illnesses like depression from happening.

Brain Growth

Exercise also releases certain cells within the brain called neurotrophic factors. These help to promote new formation of arteries and nerves that help the brain to grow.

With new growth also comes faster functioning! This translates to improved mental sharpness, ability to focus, and greater concentration!

Learning and Memory

Exercise has a direct effect on another area of the brain, the hippocampus. The hippocampus is the main region involved in short and long-term memory and learning.

There are studies that confirm aerobic exercise (walking, swimming, running, etc.) causes an increase in the activity of cells in this brain region, allowing for improved function.

Pain Relief and Improved Mood

Lastly, back to those “happy hormones” I mentioned earlier. Endocannabinoids and endogenous opioids are fancy words for happy hormones and these get released with exercise!

The release of these hormones can result in analgesia (pain relief), sedation (cue improved sleep), and a sense of euphoria (happiness/joy).

These also result in an improved sense of wellbeing, self-worth and self-esteem. What is not to love about endogenous opioids?! A natural, holistic way to manage pain is exactly what we emphasize in our treatments as Physical Therapists.

If you are someone who has struggled with chronic pain in the past, learning how to exercise and achieve a high level of fitness will allow you to tap into these internal pain relief mechanisms. Don’t wait, start exercising today to reap the incredible benefits that exercise has on our physical AND mental health.

If you are ready to feel your best, schedule an evaluation or a complimentary injury screen with one of our qualified Physical Therapists at Wildflower Physical Therapy & Wellness!

Physical Therapists can offer manual therapy, dry needling, stretching and cupping services as well as guided exercise and mobility programs tailored to meet your specific needs. We are available in person to those in Indianapolis, Indiana and also offer convenient virtual visits.


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