Understanding Common Yoga Injuries: A Physical Therapist's Perspective

Yoga is renowned for its myriad health benefits, from improving flexibility and strength to promoting relaxation and stress relief. However, like any physical activity, it's not without its risks. As a physical therapist specializing in orthopedic care and uniquely located within a yoga studio, I've seen firsthand the impact of yoga-related injuries on my clients. In this blog post, we'll delve into three of the most commonly reported yoga injuries and explore how they can occur, as well as strategies for prevention and management!

First, it is important to acknowledge that the most recent evidence surrounding the prevalence of yoga injuries points out that they are no more common than injuries obtained through other sports! In my opinion, the benefits of yoga FAR outweigh the risks. We know that a sedentary lifestyle can lead to dangerous health conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancers, and obesity. This means that obtaining exercise through yoga and other means is CRUCIAL to living a healthier and potentially longer life.

That being said, yoga injuries do happen and here are the 3 most common types of injuries I see as a Physical Therapist:

Strains and Sprains: One of the most prevalent types of injuries encountered in yoga practice is strains and sprains. These injuries typically involve the muscles, tendons, and ligaments and can occur due to overstretching or repetitive movements. Common areas affected include the hamstrings, lower back, shoulders, and wrists. For example, holding a deep forward bend without proper warm-up or engaging in repetitive chaturangas can strain the muscles and ligaments of the shoulders and lower back.

Rotator Cuff Injuries: The rotator cuff, a group of muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulder joint, is particularly vulnerable to injury in yoga practitioners. Overuse, improper alignment, or excessive force during poses can lead to rotator cuff strains or tears. Poses that require bearing weight on the hands, such as downward-facing dog or arm balances, can exacerbate this risk by placing additional stress on the shoulders.

Wrist Injuries: Wrist injuries are another common concern among yoga practitioners, especially those who frequently practice poses that involve bearing weight on the hands. Asanas like plank pose, crow pose, or handstands can strain the wrists, leading to conditions like tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or wrist sprains. Improper hand placement or excessive pressure on the wrists can contribute to these injuries.

Prevention and Management: To mitigate the risk of yoga-related injuries, practitioners should prioritize proper technique, alignment, and mindful movement. Warm-up exercises targeted at increasing flexibility and mobility in key areas, such as the shoulders, hips, and wrists, can help prepare the body for practice. Additionally, listening to one's body, avoiding pushing beyond one's limits, and seeking guidance from experienced instructors are crucial for injury prevention!

While yoga offers a plethora of benefits for physical and mental well-being, it's essential to approach the practice mindfully and with awareness of potential risks. By understanding common yoga injuries and implementing proactive strategies for prevention and management, practitioners can enjoy the transformative power of yoga while minimizing the likelihood of injury. As a physical therapist, I'm committed to supporting yoga practitioners in achieving their health and wellness goals safely and effectively. If you've experienced a yoga-related injury or have concerns about your practice, don't hesitate to reach out for personalized care and guidance.

If you are struggling with illness or injury and would like to get your body moving, schedule a physical therapy appointment with us today! At Wildflower Physical Therapy & Wellness, we can help you to get back to the life you want to live through pain management strategies, activity promotion and exercise. Our Cash Based Physical Therapy model allows us to deliver a highly individualized treatment plan without the fuss of insurance companies.  Interested in trying dry needling to support your exercise routine and maximize recovery? Reach out to us today!

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