What Type of Headache Do You Have?
The majority of us will experience a headache at some point in our lives. But what happens when they just keep coming back??
There are SO MANY different types of headaches, and it is really important to identify which one you might have in order to know how best to treat it.
Today we are going to discuss 5 major types of headaches, what symptoms you can expect with them and some of the defining characteristics of each type.
There are tons of different types of headaches, but today we are going to chat about 5 common ones that I see in my practice as a physical therapist. They are tension headaches, cluster headaches, migraine headaches, hormonal headaches and sinus headaches. Let’s dive into each one!
1—Tension Headaches
This one is hands down the most common type of headache I see in my physical therapy practice. Tension headaches stem from tension in the muscles around the head and neck and feel like a tight band or pressure wrapping around the head like a headband. This type of headache is highly associated with stress, anxiety and depression as well as a lack of sleep.
This type of headache responds really well to physical therapy and lifestyle changes. In physical therapy for tension headaches I will typically address the tension in the head and neck muscles through dry needling, cupping, stretching and manual therapies.
It is also crucial to address workstation setup, ergonomics, and postural alignment to help speed the process along and set up good habits for the future.
2—Cluster Headaches
Cluster headaches can be one of the most painful types of headaches that I see in my physical therapy clinic. Cluster headaches are characterized by the clusters or patterns in which they happen. Typically they will occur in spurts of 30 minutes to 3 hours, and can be cyclical in nature, with complete periods of remission.
With a cluster headache, pain is usually located on one side, typically behind the eye and can also be accompanied by lacrimation, drooping eyelid, nasal discharge, and myosis.
This type of headache is inflammatory in nature and responds well to treatment of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.
Dry needling for cluster headaches is one of the most impactful treatment I have as a physical therapist!
3—Migraine Headaches
Migraines are very common and can also be a very debilitating type of headache. Pain is described as a deep throbbing or pulsating pain.
Migraines may be preceded by a “visual aura” and accompanies by light sensitivity, nausea, vision changes, vomiting, vertigo or paresthesias.
Migraines can be caused by eating certain foods, high stress levels, and hormone changes.
4—Hormonal Headaches
Hormonal headaches are associated with fluctuations in hormones during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy or menopause.
These headaches are more common during the beginning of the menstrual cycle when both estrogen and progesterone are at their lowest.
5—Sinus Headaches
Last but not least we have sinus headaches. These types of headaches are associated with sinus infections or congestion.
Pain is usually felt in the front of the head, around the eyes, cheeks and forehead and feels like a deep pressure.
Other symptoms can include nasal congestion, facial pressure, and a reduced sense of smell.
So, which type of headache do you have?? I hope this summary of headache types was helpful and in future blogs I will be outlining some of the different treatment methods available for some of these types of headaches. As always, this is generalized advice and does not substitute for 1:1 medical or physical therapy care. Please reach out to your own doctor for any individualized care.
If you or someone you know may be struggling with headaches, schedule a physical therapy appointment with us today! At Wildflower Physical Therapy & Wellness, we can help you to get back to the life you want to live through pain management strategies, activity promotion and exercise.