Top 5 Tips to Fix Shin Splints!

If you have ever had shin splints, then you know how AWFUL they can be… They are also a huge threat to athletic performance and progressing in your training for things like a marathon, triathlon, etc.

So what are shin splints?? Shin splints happen when there is stress placed on the shin bone (tibia) and surrounding tissues. This is typically caused by the muscles around the tibia that are overused, weak, tight and/or inflamed. ⠀

Some of the common causes of shin splints include doing too much activity too fast (overtraining), poor running form, leg and foot weakness, and improper footwear. Unfortunately, sometimes it is not that simple and you may need the help of a trained Physical Therapist to figure out what’s going on. ⠀

In this video, I highlight some of the ways you can relieve shin splints including massage, stretching and progressive strengthening. Eccentric loading is essential because that is typically where the dysfunction arises! ⠀

In addition to these, here are my top 5 tips to prevent shin splints and help you heal faster!! ⠀

1. Modify training intensity (working with a physical therapist or trainer who is skilled in program prescription can help you avoid overuse injuries)⠀
2. Implement a warm-up and cool down ⠀
3. If you are a runner, increase your cadence (amount of times your feet touch the ground in a minute) to 175 ⠀
4. Switch up your shoes and where you are running (try trail running or treadmill running if you always run on cement) ⠀
5. See your favorite PT to get a comprehensive exam and get to the root of the problem! ⠀

I hope you found this information helpful. Cheers to healthy and happy training!!

XOXO Dr. Miranda Robles PT, DPT

Wildflower Physical Therapy & Wellness


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