How to Choose the Right Running Shoe

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I wanted to share my perspective (and research) on something SO EASY to help support your feet... PROPER FOOTWEAR! Having proper footwear is crucial to preventing running injury. This is often an easy piece of the puzzle that I can help my Physical Therapy clients with right off the bat. ⠀

So what is important to consider when it comes to picking a running shoe?? ⠀

👟Comfort: this is by far the most important factor when choosing shoes. If they aren’t comfy they aren’t doing you any favors. High comfort shoes are associated with LESS INJURY

👟Fit: choose the correct size for both length AND width. Squeezing the toes together all day can lead to pain and injury. Research has also proven higher oxygen levels with better fitting shoes, meaning if your feet are squeezed in an improperly fitting shoe—> LESS OXYGEN and blood flow (cue injury) ⠀

👟Wear and tear: make sure to change your shoes often to get the most out of them. Don’t wait until they are literally falling apart to make a change (kind of like life). Running shoes usually should be changed between 400-500 miles. That seems like forever but if you’re running often like 20+ miles per week that’s 5 months! This will of course vary person to person, which is why an individual assessment may benefit you.⠀

Before you pull the trigger on a new pair of shoes, make sure to test drive them and make sure they are SUPER COMFY while walking and running.

New shoes not cutting it for you?? If you frequently swap out your running shoes and you still have pain, it may be time to see a professional for an assessment. A Physical Therapist can take a detailed assessment of your running form, strength, mobility, and lifestyle factors to determine what may be causing your pain. Then they will be able to tailor treatment specifically to you in order to help you heal and get back to chasing PRs!

Check out my services page and set up a Physical Therapy appointment today to get you back to the healthiest version of yourself!!

Dr. Miranda Robles PT, DPT

Wildflower Physical Therapy & Wellness, LLC.

Indianapolis, Indiana


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